The numbers

54.286: Soldiers from various war cemeteries

340286: Italian soldiers (21.491 unknown soldiers)

20.000: Austro Hungarian soldiers (11.762 unknown soldiers)

1600 sq m.

47 m.: the Romanian Arch over the building

The works were concluded in 1938.

A huge building, the War Memorial, overlooks Asiago a unique symbol connected to the First War World.

The building is situated on the Leiten hill: Viale degli Eroi with its cypresses, drives you to the building from the centre of Asiago.

The War Memorial was designed and projected by Orfeo Rossato from Verona. It consists of a unique and huge block of concrete and marble (1600 sq m) with a big Romanian arch on the top of it 47 mt. high.

It was inaugurated in 1938 with big celebrations. The King of the period, Vittorio Emanuele III took part in the event.

Many cannons, original and restored, are still visible all around the building.